Thursday, January 24, 2013

1st grade Egyptian Art

 Students looked at artwork from the Ancient Egyptians. We noticed how the figures were always facing front and in profile at the same time. Students also learned about Hieroglyphics, and how the Ancient Egyptians used pictures instead of letters. We drew these pieces and added gold paint to make them pretty. Then students tore the edges of their papers to make them look like old artifacts. First grade work:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Kindergarten/1st grade marbling

We used these for our holiday cards. I bought large roasting bins. Kids put their paper on the bottom of the bit and then dipped marbles into tempera paint and set them on top of the paper. Then they picked up the bin and tilted it until the marbles rolled, leaving a paint trail. The following week I gave them stamps and crayons to finish their cards. I was able to work in a writing component by having the children fill out their cards! Warning- SUPER MESSY!!!

Kindergarten directed line farm drawing

We draw one shape and one line at a time until we have our animals and farm drawn. I leave plenty of room for children to draw their own detail!