Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fourth Grade Castles

This is a fun lesson I do each year with my fourth grade students. Although I vary it a bit each year, the core skills remain the same. Students learn to turn shapes (triangle, rectangle) into forms (cones, cylinders). 

First we jump right in and draw the castle. I use my ELMO for this, a document camera that allows me to project a live feed directly onto my Smart Board. I give the children a 3 x 4 poster board rectangle and they trace this in the center of their paper to make the body of the castle. No pencils here, we start right with the Sharpie. We also use the poster board as a tracer instead of a ruler. They draw the rest of the castle along with me adding their own details at the end. Some children draw knights and princesses, while others put crocs and monsters in the moat.

Next lesson we discuss 2-D shapes and their 'corresponding' 3-D shapes. Students practice drawing a cone and a cylinder. I show the children how I use the crayon to shade in the shapes. I remind them that the towers on their castles are really a cone on top of a cylinder. I encourage the children to shade those shapes and color the rest how they want. If they like, they can color the center of the shapes yellow to make the castle look like it glows. 

Finally we discuss dragons. The children learn about Eastern and Western dragons and are given a handout of different dragons they can draw. They just draw, color, cut and glue to their castles!

Fourth Grade Work:

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